Physics & even more physics

Hi and welcome to my website! I'm a passionate theoretical physicist being curious about intriguing quantum and gravitational phenomena ranging from entanglement to black holes. Below, your may check out my research interests and publications. In case you're interested, I'm always happy to discuss fundamental physics problems and to collaborate on exciting new projects!

Research Areas

Quantum Information

Quantum Information

Information theory has enlightened our understanding of quantum phenomena. Given the high computational complexity of quantum entropies, I'm interested in finding more universal and accessible descriptions, for instance using classical entropies to probe quantum features. Further, I investigate information in phase space for continuous variables, fermions and spins.

Quantum Fields

Quantum Fields

Not only three out of four forces and Bose-Einstein condensation can be described within field theories, but also entanglement, uncertainty, thermalization and quanta in curved space. I'm curious about understanding entanglement, information spreading, phase transitions, thermalization, quantum field simulators and entropic uncertainty for quantum fields.



Spacetime is geometry. I'm especially fascinated by quantum gravity and analog gravity, that is, the simulation of gravitational phenomena and their interplay with quantum phenomena using table-top experiments. Here, I'm working on the black hole information paradox and analog models realizable via cold atom platforms to test entanglement in cosmology and Hawking radiation.

Cold atoms

Cold atoms

Over the last two decades, cold atom experiments have proven to serve as ideals testbeds for investigating all the phenomena I'm interested in. I regularly explore the possibilities of Bose-Einstein condensates and their theoretical models and enjoy the insightful collaborations with various experimentalists.




How can entanglement be characterized and certified efficiently, also for continuous-variable and quantum many-body systems? Which role does entanglement play in field theories, thermalization and quantum phase transitions? How does entanglement spread in and connect spacetime? How is entanglement related with gravity?



What is the strongest and most general formulation of the uncertainty principle? How are uncertainty relations for different types of variables related? How can uncertainty relations be devised for field theories? How can uncertainty relations help to formulate entanglement witnesses and constrain quantum entropies?



How can equilibrium and non-equilibrium situations be described in field theories? How does the mesoscopic local equilibrium arise from microscopic degrees of freedom and entanglement? When and how do isolated quantum systems thermalize locally? How can local thermalization be certified efficiently? How can local temperatures be measured?

Quanta in curved space

Quanta in curved space

Which entropic descriptions capture the observer-dependence of particles and entanglement accurately? How can quantum phenomena in curved spacetime such as Hawking radiation and cosmological particle production be accessed by quantum field simulators? How does information escape from black holes?


Area laws for classical entropies in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate

Area laws for classical entropies in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate

Cold atoms, Entanglement, Fields, Information
Area laws and thermalization from classical entropies in a Bose-Einstein condensate

Area laws and thermalization from classical entropies in a Bose-Einstein condensate

Cold atoms, Entanglement, Fields, Information, Thermalization
Area laws from classical entropies

Area laws from classical entropies

Entanglement, Fields, Information
Information and majorization theory for fermionic phase-space distributions

Information and majorization theory for fermionic phase-space distributions

Information, Uncertainty
Entropic distinguishability of quantum fields in phase space

Entropic distinguishability of quantum fields in phase space

Fields, Information, Uncertainty
Accessing continuous-variable entanglement witnesses with multimode spin observables

Accessing continuous-variable entanglement witnesses with multimode spin observables

Entanglement, Information


2019 - 2022
ITP, Heidelberg
2016 - 2018

Master of Science

2013 - 2016

Bachelor of Science

Undergraduate studies in physics at TU Darmstadt

Thesis: Top-down causation in the quantum mechanical measurement process (german)


2022 - now
QuIC, Brussels

Postdoctoral Fellow


Teaching: 9 bachelor tutorials & 1 master seminar

Co-supervised bachelor's: Johannes Noll, Johannes Schmidt, Salome Schwark, Sara Ditsch, Henrik Müller-Groeling & Ben Höber

Co-supervised master's: Benoît Dubus, Kobe Vergaerde, Mireia Tolosa-Simeón, Álvaro Parra-López & Neil Dowling

Co-mentored PhD's: Serge Deside, Mauro D'Achille & Célia Griffet

Refereeing: Nature Commun., Quantum, Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. Res. & PRX Quantum

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